Have you ever needed to do something but just couldn’t, and then you felt like a failure for not even trying?

Have you ever wanted to go on a hike, or go to dinner with friends but your anxiety or fear was too much just thinkin’ about it?

What about wanting to make a change in your life, whether move to another place, or change jobs, or just say hello to someone who looked really interesting?

What if there was something you could do so that you could take those leaps even in the midst of anxiety?
How would that change your life, your day,the way you slept?

In today’s episode I give you three solutions, yes three different ways you could actually walk through each of these scenarios, and other one’s just like it. You may think the same as I did when I discovered the 3rd, “how can this be so easy, yet so effective?”

This is the episode to help you do those things you’ve longed to do, but thought your anxiety would never let you.



In the comments below let us know what you’ve done to help you walk through that door. What tools have you used to help you move past anxiety and overwhelm?

Here’s the link the 3rd confidence building technique I told you about.
(I;m not associated with this company, I do not make any money if you use this link)

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)