Have you ever felt uncomfortable in a large crowd?

Do you avoid going to parties because all the people can be overwhelming?

You’re not alone.

I get this question all the time from coaching clients. Many times they can avoid situations, but what if you want to go to a friend’s wedding and there’s 200 people there?

What do you do?

In today’s episode of Squeezehands TV, I’m gonna show you Four steps you can do to help you get through and doing a little dance once you leave the party.

  1. On your way to an event, start thinking of all the things you’re grateful for. It could be that you have a car to go in, or the outfit you’re wearing or fact that there’s a paved road instead of a bumpy dirt road. This seems simple but it’s important. Gratitude activates the serotonin receptors in your brain, so you feel good. It gets you in a good frame of mind and switches off the worry.
  2. When you arrive at the party, look around for someone interesting. Take the pressure off you and look for someone that you want to ask questions of. See someone with a pretty dress, go and tell them. See someone with an interesting pin or necklace? Go ask them about it. Then ask other questions. How do they have fun? What’s their favorite thing to do? Where’s their favorite place they’ve visited? Do they have any children/pets? Create a list of questions and keep it on your phone.  When you take the focus off you, then it makes talking with people so much easier. People love to talk about themselves.
  3. When you are asked a question. Keep it light. I know it can be hard to do. You want to be honest and talk about things that really matter, not just random stuff. I get it. I know it can be really hard, but it will help. You’ll feel less vulnerable than you would if you were talking about personal stuff and you never know when you’ll ending connecting with someone.
  4. AND do Squeeze Hands while you’re talking with people. They won’t have any idea what you’re doing and it will eliminate your overwhelm in less than two minutes. ( If you haven’t learned Squeeze Hands yet, go here, it’s free!)

All this is a choice. Only go to crowded events if you want to. It’s okay not to enjoy parties. Don’t shame yourself for not being like everyone else. And it’s ok to do a little dance and enjoy your return to peaceful surroundings after the event!

Your special and perfect as you are.

But if you want to move outside your comfort zone, if you don’t want to feel locked up by your anxiety, then I’m here to give you the tools to let go of the chains and walk on your own.

You can do this. I’m here to help.

Now I’d love to hear from you. What go to questions do you have to ask people when you go to parties? Or share with us any techniques you’ve used to help you feel more comfortable at parties.

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)