Have you ever been sure you had an appointment  or meeting at a certain time, only to find out that it was at a totally different day or time?

This past weekend I had two ocurrences, where I was certain I didn’t have to be somewhere until 4pm, and it turned out I was suppose to be there at 8am!

Luckily my intuition was stronger than my stubbornness, and I looked at my calendar before 8am.

And in the same day, I was certain that my Airbnb guests were checking out that day. I went into the camper to clean it, and there were still personal belongings there. I wondered if something happened to them. I started to wash the dishes, and had a flash to check my airbnb calendar. Well they weren’t checking out until the next day! I was so embarrassed that it hadn’t occurred to me to look at my calendar as soon as I saw their blankets, but I was convinced that my memory served me correct.

After the second time, I started wondering how many beliefs and memories are running around my brain that I’m absolutely sure are true, but maybe they’re not!

We’re all so convinced that something happened the way we remember it. We’re all so convinced that the beliefs we have are absolutely true. That life has shown us over and over again that’s it true.

But what if it’s not?

What if it’s the mirror neurons in our brain? The pathways that are biologically set up to find those things that we’re thinking about.

Our body is an amazing set of neural pathways that keep everything going. And one of the millions of ways our body assists us are mirror neurons. They help us filter among the trillions of bits of information we process each day, only the things that are important to us, only the things that we’re thinking about. So we get in this vicious cycle of believing something, our brain finding those things in our environment that match those things we believe, which confirms our belief, even if it’s a belief we don’t want to believe.

Have you ever had a conversation with a parent or sibling about something that happened decades ago, and you all have totally different perspectives on what actually happened?

Is it possible that all the things people remember happened, it’s just that each person only pulled out of the situation those things which matched their beliefs?


So, how exactly do you get your brain to start looking for the things you actually WANT to see and believe and not some beliefs you created 20 years ago?


Yes, this is the power of visualization. Because your brain doesn’t know if you’re making something up (hence why you may remember something completely different than someone else) or if you’re obtaining the information with your physical senses.

So, when you spend a few minutes each day visualizing (go here for some free resources on how to visualize) whatever it is you want to experience, feel it, hear the words you want to hear, smell the fragrance you want to smell, then your brain will start looking for those things!

Most of us have had the experience where we decide we want a new car,  or a certain color of car, and we start seeing it everywhere! That’s our mirror neurons at their finest.

Pretty cool, huh?

You don’t have to change your outside environment to incite change, you can just imagine the change in your brain and your mirror neurons will take over and start showing you those things!

So next time you’re thinking your brain is the enemy, remember this easy trick, visualize what it is you really want to see and viola, you’ll start experiencing with your eyes and ears!

And when you’re ready to dive deeper into tools that will instantly change your beliefs, on the spot, without anyone even knowing, I’m here to help! hello@squeezehands.com









Now I’d love to hear from you! What beliefs have you noticed lately that you’re ready to change? And then let us know what it is you WANT to believe instead.

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)