Do you have a hard time getting out of bed? Off the couch and out from in front of the TV?

Are there days you wonder “what’s the point?”

Then every once in a while, you have mornings when you can’t wait to get out of bed? Like when you’re going on a trip?

What motivates you?


A sense of Freedom?

Feeling appreciated or valued?

In all those cases is it an experience that your wanting to have? The experience of control, freedom and appreciation?

Do you have the feeling if you had __________________ that you’d be happy but also feeling like there’s no way you could ever have _________________? (whatever that thing is for you you’re certain will bring you unending happiness)


A friend who loves to drive fast and squeal his tires, told me about the time in his life when he owned the car everyone thinks of when wanting to drive fast, a Corvette. But he found that the car had so much capabilitiy that it was hard to get the sense of speed and test it’s limits unless he took it to a race track.

Then one week he had work to do in West Virginia. He rented a small car that turned out to be a Dodge Neon. The opposite of what we think of in performance cars. But he found it was the Perfect car for driving fast and squealing tires on the twisty country roads. The small, inexpensive sedan could easily be pushed to it’s limits. THAT was the experience he was ultimately seeking. Pushing a car to the edge and having fun with it reasonably safely.

He loved the experience of speed and living on the ragged edge, and the Neon surprisingly was able to provide that feeling more readily than a zippy corvette. Who knew?

What exactly is the feeling, the sensation that you’re seeking, in thinking the ______ will provide you unending happiness?

Is it feeling peaceful?

Or the feeling of being fully seen by a loving partner?

Is it having a swoopy car that’s the envy of everyone who passes you?

Is the crux of every one of these to feel satisfied or happy?

This isn’t to take away your desire to have the Thing you want.

But is it possible that it’s less the thing, and more the experience you think the thing will give you?

When  you wake up in the morning is there one thing or one person you can think of that excites?

For me, I have Teccino first thing. I look so forward to sitting in my meditation chair drinking that hot, dark, smooth beverage with a hint of chocolate each morning. It feels so satisfying.

And then from there I think of the next satisfying thin in my day. Maybe the feeling of holding a pen in my hand, or sitting in my desk chair. It may be the feeling of helping someone, feeling appreciated, or just taking a hot shower.

It really can be the simple things that can lead to a satisfying day, and give you that little push to roll from under the covers.

If I spend the time thinking about something satisfying in each moment, it makes for a day that I look forward to getting up to the next day.

You may find that it’s the Dodge Neon that gives your the experience you want, not the Corvette.




In the comments tell us one thing that you do each day that feels satisfying or motivates you.

Once you come up with one see if you can think of another then another, than another.

This all may seem simple and not at all how to get your that money or relations or car you want, but try it, you’ll be surprised!


Now I’d love to hear from you! What’s one thing that you can look forward to getting out of bed tomorrow?

Once you have one thing, challenge yourself to come up with another, then another.

I can’t wait to hear what motivates you!

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)