Have you ever wondered what was going on in your brain when you feel anxious or emotionally overwhelmed?

Well today’s your chance to find out!

Today on Squeezehands TV  Neurosurgeon/Neuroscientist extraordinaire Dr. Darlene Mayo joins us.

She has a way of taking something complicated like the brain and making things so understandable.

AND she shares with you science proven techniques that you can easily do each day before you get out of bed, to help alleviate your anxiety and stress, yes, even chronic anxiety.

I used one technique to go from not being able to back up our camper, to waking up one day and knowing exactly how to do it. Her teachings are that powerful!

Click on the video below now and get started with your life of freedom from anxiety!



Now Dr. Mayo and I would like to hear from you. 

What’s one take away you got from all the great tips Dr. Mayo gave?

Share with us in the comments below.

To learn more about Dr. Mayo’s courses go to www.neurodrdarlene.com
You can find her on Facebook at Darlene A. Mayo

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)