Einstein is known for saying that he wasn’t a genuis, he just asked a lot of questions. Well it turns out that asking YOURSELF questions, will lead to your own zone of genuis.

This is a simple shift- gift based on the work of Byron Katie. You can do it while you’re walking, while you’re driving your car, or standing in line at the grocery store. It seems impossible that a few pointed questions can have such a powerful effect, but they do!

Shifting your perspective doesn’t have to be some long drawn out production. You don’t need hours to yourself, and wave your hands around. There are simple, powerful tools like this one and Squeezehands you can do anywhere, anytime.

Try this one on for size next time you hit a wall of beliefs that makes you feel anxious and afraid!

If you need guidance on how to keep asking the good questions, contact me at hello@squeezehands.com, to set up your free 20 minute consultation today!

So now we’d like to hear from you. What questions are you gonna ask yourself today? Where do you want to start? What are you most afraid? Do you really need to feel anxious about that?

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)