Have you ever traveled somewhere and been super anxious?

Have you ever been worried about having to drive in an unfamiliar city?

Me too!

I’m scared of getting stuck in airports and driving in big cities.

I really hate feeling so out of control of my time and being at the whim of the airlines.

What about you? How does traveling, the actual act of traveling make you feel?

Last week I flew to Seattle to work with a client. I hadn’t flown on the airlines for 5 years. And the last time I did fly commercially I was stuck in a airport hotel for 2 days! So I was pretty nervous about how this flight was going to go and even more nervous about driving in Seattle traffic.

I live in a small town and don’t even like the traffic here. I’d arranged my life so I didn’t have to drive on freeways with thousands of others daily, but I did need to drive in this situation.

Did you know that our brain can get locked into how an experience went in the past, and then look for similar circumstances? Even when it’s circumstances we don’t want!

In my coaching program I teach tools that you can do in the moment that help you unlock these unwanted pathways and today I’m going to share one of them with you.

So you wanna know how I prepared for this trip, so that it turned out flawlessly?


Yes! Visualization (I give you a brief visualization training here).

Every time I thought about the trip, I stopped for a few minutes and visualized how I wanted the flight to go and the experience I wanted to have driving around in traffic and in a city I knew nothing about.

The key to visualization is FEELING how you want to feel in the situation. Seeing yourself in the situation and how you’re feeling then.

And you know what? Everything went off flawlessly! I didn’t study maps of where I was going ahead of time. I couldn’t even use google maps to read me directions because for some reason she only wanted to speak to me in Spanish, and I don’t know Spanish, nor did I know how to get her to change her language. But it didn’t matter, my intuition guided me right where I wanted to go. And that’s exactly the experience I visualized before ever going to the airport.

I didn’t spend hours visualizing. I just did it when I’d remember the trip and start feeling anxious about it. Instead of falling into anxiety, I visualized how I wanted to feel.

And I’ll give you another little tip. I committed to having fun! Whenever I started feeling upset about something I remembered my commitment to myself about having fun, and bam things just worked out!

So what do you have coming up that you’re feeling anxious about?

Is it spending time with your family over the holidays? Or maybe it’s spending time alone over the holidays? Are you worried about a speech your giving, or a party you need to attend?

Whatever it is, try visualizing.

And be sure to go here if you want to kick your visualization up a notch!


I can’t wait to hear how this works for you! Let me know in the comments what you used visualization for.


My gift is seeing the best in people, and helping them see it too.

I help you connect to your true self, your inner knowing, so you can make the best decisions for you and live the life of freedom and abundance you desire.

If you want to see how I can help you, email me at hello@squeezehands.com, for a free 20 minute consultation with me.

I see your gifts, even when you can’t.




Now I want to hear from you! What are you gonna use visualization for this week? How did it go?

Have a great week, and keep looking for the joy!

Much love,

(Please note that any links to any other posts, videos etc will be removed.)