Train Your Brain to Relax, Instantly!

If you’re struggling with anxiety keeping you from enjoying your days and being the person you know you truly are…..

Does anxiety ever derail your plans for the day?

Does fear of change keep you from taking steps to achieve your dreams?

How would it be to feel inspired and energized again like you did at the beginning of your business?

How would it feel to have your disagreements deepen your connections?

How would your life look?

What if you were able to rule over your emotions instead of  them ruling you?

How much more fun could you have?

How different would your life look?

How much happier would you be, and happier would you feel?

I help you take control of how your feel and tap into your inspiration, creativity, and Joy!

What would it mean to your life if you:

Didn’t have that empty feeling inside you anymore….?
You felt calm, clear, and inspired….?
You felt confident and creative….?
You lived from your heart and knowing and you could hear your inner voice easily guiding you to your dreams….?
You had so much fun and enjoyed each day….?

I felt it to. The hole in my gut that no amount of food, classes, relationships or therapy filled.

I thought the low level anxiety of anxiety gave me energy and if I just got my business running smoothly the anxiety would disappear.

But even with a thriving business I felt something was missing, that I still didn’t have the happiness and freedom I thought I’d have.

I had lots of ideas, I had big dreams. And I was busy all the time.

But I didn’t feel focused or inspired anymore. I didn’t feel I was doing what I was truly her on this earth to do.

It didn’t matter how good things were in my life, something was always missing and I didn’t know what it was.

I could be enjoying dinner with friends in the midst of the towering Ponderosa Pine Trees, or miles from civilization sitting at the edge of a mountain lake surrounded by snow covered peaks and wildflowers, the low-level anxiety remained.

After a particularly hard year, where anger and anxiety was causing me to throw things, and break my phone,  I said enough!

I awoke one morning, feeling the same shakiness, the same pit in my stomach, and dreading the day. I sat on the edge of my bed, and said “I want to be happy, I want to feel good, I’m going to change this now, and start enjoying life.”

I have training in Psychology, Biology, and Visualization, I knew how things worked from both the Psychological components and how the wiring in my brain was affecting how I felt. I knew the trauma of my childhood was part of it, and I knew I needed to figure out how to rewire my brain and shift my thoughts. The hours or meditating hadn’t worked. Going on retreats hadn’t worked, new relationships, new business, EFT, therapy, so much stuff and thousands of dollars spent and none of it helped me find that missing something, that joy and peace I wanted.

I created a system. A goodie bag of tools that work in minutes, and no one even knows what you’re doing! Who has time to spend 30 minutes or more to work through emotions and get clarity and peace.

In a few months, I went from being someone I didn’t want to be around, to being someone who woke up with ideas, and the steps to create them! 

I felt focused, I felt HAPPIER than ever, and I started enjoying life!

I was no longer at the mercy of what was going on around me. I had the tools to take control of my feelings, and no longer had to worry about feeling overwhelmed. Subsequently I felt more freedom and I had more time, because I was focused and clear.

I got to the root of my anxiety and eliminated the crazy brain.

Now I have a song that’s being licensed by a large corporation for their commercials, and I have patented products in stores.

I didn’t know how to do any of those things before. But because of the fact that I now felt calm, clear, connected and in control of my emotions, I could hear my inner guidance, I could follow my intuition and she gave me the steps to take, she took me down the path to where I wanted to be. I’ve helped entrepreneurs like yourself find that missing something. To stop waiting for things to settle down and start enjoying life now! And their business thrived because of it, while they worked less!

And you can get the first tool I created for Free today, by filling out the form. I’ve taught Squeeze Hands to Creatives, Entrepreneurs and children, and they have all used it to shift their anxiety in minutes!

No more having to stay away from certain situations. No more having to wait until I had a few hours to work through whatever bothered me. Now there is a simple, easy to use tools you can do anywhere, anyplace, and no one will even know you’re doing it! Use it while in your car, while walking down the street, while sitting at a dinner with a bunch of people.

So how does Squeeze Hands work? Getting overwhelmed by your emotions is like water building up behind a dam. Your brain is not able to fully process the information that it’s taking in, so the emotions get “trapped” in your neural circuits. The water keeps building up behind the dam until all of a sudden the water overwhelms the dam, and the whole thing comes down, and the water inundates whatever’s below it. Squeeze Hands removes the dam, brick by brick, layer by layer, so there isn’t a dam at all, and the emotions can easily pass through our neural pathways and be released from our body.

Click the link, to get free access to this powerful tool. It takes only minutes to learn, but will change your life forever!

And if you want to learn about my Flow and Go Program for Creatives and Entrepreneurs where I:

  • Help you get to the core of your anxiety and make inner peace your norm
  • We’ll find out what specific desires you have. What you’d like to create that you feel your anxiety has kept you from. This gives us a map so I can guide you there
  • You live from your heart and knowing, you can hear your inner voice easily guiding you to your dreams
  • I’ll give you a ‘Goodie Bag’ of habits and brain changing tools that allow you to handle whatever comes your way without feeling overwhelmed. These are tools you can do anywhere, anytime without anyone knowing you’re even doing them!
  • I’ll teach you mindset tools that help you feel and experience the life you want to have!
  • You have so much fun and enjoy each day no matter what’s going on around you.

Email me today and

I can only take a few clients each month.

Let’s make 2020 the year you start feeling relaxed, Connected and Creative!! Find that missing something dissolve anxiety and feel connected to your Inner Knowing. There’s so much JOY waiting for you!

In this video you’ll learn

  1. That you no longer need 1/2 hours to reconnect to your Inner Knowing, and Happiness. Squeezehands gets you there FAST and know will even know you’re rewiring your brain!
  2. How to take control of your emotions in under 2 minutes
  3. A Technique you can use anywhere anytime
  4. The science behind the Technique