Do you feel ALONE?

Like you’re the ONLY one that gets OVERWHELMED with emotions sometimes?

Have you longed for COMMUNITY?

A GROUP of Like-Minded People,
who support you in your growth
and having a FUN life?

Even if you’re not always happy?
Even if you’re not always peaceful?

Are you Ready for a Family of Supportive and Like-Minded People?

Are you Ready to go to NEW heights in your LIFE!

Are you Ready to feel EMPOWERED over your Emotions?

And Accepting of YOURSELF?


Come with US!
Join the Squeeze Hands Family!

We are:

A Group of People who take responsibility
for our feelings

We like to GROW and LEARN and
have FUN in the process!

You Get


    • Three, one-hour group coaching calls each month via Zoom
    • Guest Speakers
    • Discounts on one-on-one Coaching

And best of all a FAMILY that UNDERSTANDS you, GETS you, and SUPPORTS YOU!

All this for a limited time price of just $27/month!

Cancel Anytime!