I'm Holly

I'm an entrepreneur, writer, speaker, philanthropist and dedicated to helping you be your happiest self.

The first question I'm often asked is "Who are you? Why should I believe you can help, there's so many people who say they can and they haven't."

    And I get it. I felt that way too. I'd given up on finding a therapist or any tools that could help me find happiness and inner fulfillment. I'd given up on ever finding inner peace without doing things that required hours of my time each day. I'm trained in Psychology, Biology and Visualization. But most important to you is that I had chronic anxiety since I was a child and I wasn't even aware of it.

We all think that if I just have a thriving business, a great partner or all the money we want that we'd be happy and the anxiety would disappear.

Guess what, it's not true. We've all heard of the miserable billionaires and wondered how that could be possible.

We've believed and been told that it's things that make us happy. Because, let's be honest, that new car or new shoes do make us happy for awhile, don't they?

But what happens when the newness wears off? We have to go buy something else right?

Then one day while backpacking I realized I was happier miles from civilization, eating dehydrated food, wearing the same clothes for days, than I was in my beautiful home with all my things.

I started talking to other women who appeared to have it all and discovered that deep down inside they were unhappy or dissatisfied.

They felt they had to keep moving, keep going or things would fall apart. And until I started asking them questions they didn't even realize that was what they were doing.

They just didn't like stopping and being quiet and feeling their feelings because it was so overwhelming and they felt so out of control.

So I started teaching them the foundations of Inner Happiness and True Connection. And their lives transformed.

Not only did they look successful on the outside, they felt successful, confident and fulfilled on the inside.

Their business thrived. They found romantic partners who were their equals, fun and fulfilling.

They began to feel love, supported and connected and all areas of their lives thrived and felt balanced.

I spent thousands of dollars on self-improvement programs and business development classes but none of them worked for me. I also tumbled around, trying all types of therapies. and techniques and none of them worked for long. The one constant was me. What I finally discovered was that there was a part of me that didn't want to change and release the anxiety and shakiness. It was familiar and it gave me something to blame my shortcomings on. But once I made a commitment to change I got to the root of my anxiety by developing a foundation of Self-Leadership and Inner Happiness. I created a goodie-bag of brain changing tools, that you can use anywhere, anytime, any place. I now share these tools with others and guide them to creating their own foundation for self-leadership and find the calmness and creativity and Joy that's inside you.

In my Flow and Go (TM) program I help people get to the core of their anxiety and then teach you habits that allow you to find the calm, clarity, happiness and inspiration that's buried inside you. I help you get that excitement back you felt when you first started your business.
My 5-Step System is easily integrated into your already busy day. No hours of homework. It helps you find that missing something, and the time, freedom and energy to know the steps you want to take with your business and life.
You can live a life of relaxation and still do all the things you want to do!
I believe that we all were born happy, but we lost that connection to it somewhere along the way.

I believe that happiness is our birth right, that anxiety and dissatisfaction with your life is just a symptom. There are options. I'm here to help you find the best option for you. I don't tell you what to do, I walk with you so you can find the best path for yourself. When you're ready to THRIVE in your life and business and live a life of powerful connections and creativity email me at hello@innerhappinesscoach.com .

There's so much Joy waiting for you!