I’ll Never Forget

I’ll Never Forget

I remember the first time I dipped my toe in an alpine lake. I was 9, and just climbed my first mountain with my Brother and Dad. It was an excruciating 8 mile hike up. My little legs had to work twice as hard to keep up with them.When I saw that lake I really just...

Last Sunday my good friend Derrick (a black man) and I (a white woman) talked about the riots.We come from two totally different worlds. He hails from inner city Detroit and I from suburban, upper class Kentucky.  This leads to great conversations.I can’t imagine what...
Ever wondered how to feel loved?

Ever wondered how to feel loved?

I woke up one morning feeling this guilt that I hadn’t saved more in my life.I had felt this many times, but this time I did something different. I stayed with the feeling. I just sat and felt the guilt, the shame and the anger at myself.What surprised me was...