I’ll Never Forget

I remember the first time I dipped my toe in an alpine lake. I was 9, and just climbed my first mountain with my Brother and Dad. It was an excruciating 8 mile hike up. My little legs had to work twice as hard to keep up with them.When I saw that lake I...

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Wanna Travel with Ease? This is the Key!

Have you ever traveled somewhere and been super anxious?Have you ever been worried about having to drive in an unfamiliar city?Me too!I'm scared of getting stuck in airports and driving in big cities.I really hate feeling so out of control of my time and...

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Ancient Chinese Secret, huh? Not Anymore!

Have you ever had days where you just didn't want to get off the floor, or couch?  What would it take for that to change? I was in that place over thirty years ago. And then a stray cat walked into my apartmen t. And next thing I know I was walking down...

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Neurosurgeon Dr. Darlene Mayo talks anxiety

HI!Have you ever wondered what was going on in your brain when you feel anxious or emotionally overwhelmed?Well today's your chance to find out!Today on Squeezehands TV  Neurosurgeon/Neuroscientist extraordinaire Dr. Darlene Mayo joins us.She has a way of...

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When Will it be Enough?

When will it be enough? When are we gonna be tired of the same old thoughts running through our heads? When will we stop and look another way? Today? Tomorrow? Next week? When? You get to choose, there are options. I want to know, when will you know you've...

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How do You get the Results You Want?

What's the result? What's the outcome you want? Do you want to be free of anxiety, fear, stress? Do you want to feel freedom, joy, peace? Does it feel like if you don't feel anxiety or fear you'll have nothing at all?  That you'll never do anything, feel...

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